Programmer evolution

So you are thinking about becoming a programmer

Starting this journey is challenging, but it’s also fun and rewarding. As with any new skill, there is just so much to learn out there at the beginning, that you might not know where to start. The important thing to remember is to be patient with yourself. No one started out as a rockstar developer. Continue reading “Programmer evolution”

Pixel Code House – coming soon

It’s been a while when we first announced our summer school program – two months of full-time study in the field of IT, which prepares you for a junior backend developer position.

Since that, we registered our company under the Pixel Code House name, and a lot of the preparation is already done.


In the latest post we wrote about the motivation behind it. Now, let’s unfold some of the questions you might be interested in. Continue reading “Pixel Code House – coming soon”

Why start an IT school?

Nowadays, that IT became so popular (and let’s face it: well paid) even in the Eastern European countries, many people are considering changing their career and getting into the field of IT. 4fef3ec68510366883e4388eea4ae0cb

A whole list of arguments could be listed here – all against this new “trend”. Probably you already have some in your mind. However, we would like to share some of our pros here. Continue reading “Why start an IT school?”